General WCFBA Info


If you are a full-time or potential pool player, you should be aware of our procedures in case of rain or game cancellation for any reason.

There is no longer a "rain line" for you to call. Depending on when games are cancelled, you may receive an email or text message notification.

If we know game(s) are cancelled prior to the weekend: We will email everyone who is scheduled to play.

If we go into the weekend still uncertain as to whether game(s) will be played: As soon as our field coordinator receives word that we will not be able to play any of our games for a scheduled date, he will initiate an automated message to everyone signed up to play in the cancelled game(s). 

• If you have given us your cell phone number and provider information, you will receive the cancellation notice as a text message.

• If we do not have your cell phone info, you will receive the cancellation notice as an email.

If you would like to receive cancellation notices via text, please use the "Player Login" link at the left, then choose "Player Profile", and update your profile to include your cell phone info. And even if you have given us your cell phone info in the past, we recommend you verify that your cell number and cell provider in your profile is up-to-date.

You might consider checking your email/text messages on game days prior to leaving home, even if it is a sunny day, since games have been cancelled in the past for reasons other than weather.


WCFBA transitioned to a new server on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. While we don't anticipate any problems due to this upgrade, please email if you notice anything strange during your visit.


We now use PayPal as our payment vendor. Whether you need to pay for pool playing fees or tournament registration fees, you can now pay using your PayPal account. And even if you don't have a PayPal account, all major credit cards are accepted.

Once you have submitted your payment, PayPal will indicate when their part of the process is done. However, your payment is not logged into our system until you return to the WCFBA website. Usually you will be returned to our website automatically, a few seconds after PayPal is done. If you are not, please look for and click the link that will return you to our system. That will help ensure our records are kept up-to-date.

If you ever see messages indicating that you owe WCFBA money that you think you paid, please email us at with details. We will research the problem and update our records accordingly.

If you encounter any error messages during the payment process, we'd like to hear about it. Please email letting us know what error message(s) you encountered and what (if anything) you were able to do to clear the message.

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                                                                                                Copyright 2015-2024 West Coast Fantasy Baseball Association